As fall has arrived, most of my herbs have slowed down as they prepare for the dark seasons ahead, but not Lemon Balm, which continues to produce into the late fall. Lemon balm is a member of the Mint family, Melissa officinalis, it's scientific name. Mints have a tendency to spread and will die back to the ground in winter but will return in spring!

As we continue to prepare for our upcoming Witch's Workshop, we wanted to share more about this special herb that has graced my garden with its vibrant green leaves and amazing lemony scent, promising to bring magic to our workshop.
Growing Lemon Balm
Planting: Lemon balm loves plenty of sunlight and well-drained soil. You can start from seeds, cuttings, or transplants. It's a hardy plant that is very adaptable and spreads easily! If you don't want a lot of it, plant it in a pot or box.
Care: Water regularly, but don't over water.
Harvesting: Harvesting about one third of the foliage monthly encourages healthy growth!

Harvesting, Drying, and Storing Lemon Balm
Harvesting: Use scissors to cut the stems in the morning after the dew has evaporated but before it is too hot and the volatile oils burn off for the day.
Drying: lay flat on a well-ventilated drying rack for a few days, out of direct sunlight.
Storing: Once completely dry (you don't want any moisture as that can cause everything to mold) place the leaves in an airtight container to preserve the aroma and potency. Opening my jar of lemon balm fills the air with its lemony scent every time!

Medicinal Uses of Lemon Balm
Lemon balm is packed with medicinal benefits and has been in use culinarily and medicinally for over 2000 years!
Stress Relief: Lemon Balm reduces anxiety and promotes relaxation
Digestive Issues: It can help ease gastrointestinal discomfort and improves appetite.
Sleep Aid: Its relaxing effects can improve sleep quality
Antiviral Properties: Lemon balm is of great use in treating viral infections, especially cold sores!
Magical Uses of Lemon Balm
In addition to its medicinal benefits, lemon balm has many magical properties, making it perfect for spell bags, magical teas, spells and rituals.
Dreams and sleep
